05 October, 2005

100 years ago: Session 1905-06; Meeting I

Sederunt 46
The Society met in the rooms of the Medical Club, 22 Carlton Place on the evening of Thursday 5th October at 9pm. The president, Professor Stockman was in the Chair, and 46 gentlemen were present.

I Minutes
The minutes of last meeting were read & approved.

II Resignations
The secretary read letters of resignation of membership from
1. Dr D. Young, Linton Villa Parkhead Glasgow dated Oct 2nd 1905
2. Dr G. Scott McGregor, 2 Burnbank Terrace Glasgow — Oct 3rd 1905
3. Dr Wm Carr, 46 Norfolk Street Glasgow — Oct 3rd 1905
These were accepted

III Dr J. Wallace Anderson's letter
A letter was read from Dr J. Wallace Anderson 23 Woodside Place dated 30th May 1905 in which he withdrew his resignation of membership

IV President's Address
Professor Stockman then proceeded to deliver his presidential address on the subject of "Heredity in Disease"
A precis of this address follows this minute.

V Vote of thanks
At the close of the address Dr Napier moved a vote of thanks to Dr Stockman for his most interesting address. This was heartily given and then Dr Stockman replied in a few words.

VI Election of Governor of Victoria Infirmary
The President then called for nominations for the post of Governor of the Victoria Infirmary, but Dr McGilvray suggested that in the first place Dr C. E. Robertson should give a few remarks on the work of the Governors during the past year. This met with the approval of the meeting & Dr Robertson in a few remarks spoke of the various points of interest which had been dealt with by the board of Governors during the past year.

Dr Stockman then moved a vote of thanks to Dr Robertson for his services and this was heartily responded to.

Dr Richmond then wished to discuss the tenure of office of the representative, but Dr Stockman stated that this was a matter which was to be considered by the Council in the near future and the matter then dropped.

On nominations being again called for the following two names were proposed.
1. Dr Forrest (Senior) Proposed by Dr D. McGilvray & seconded by Dr Alexr Napier.
2. Dr C. E. Robertson proposed by Dr Campbell Highet & seconded by Dr Fletcher.

On a vote being taken 23 votes were given to Dr Robertson & 21 to Dr Forrest. Dr Robertson was then declared duly elected.

VII Election of member
The standing orders were suspended and Dr Wm Adam Burns 147 Greenhead Street, Bridgeton was elected a member.
Dr Burn's name should have appeared on the billet but the secretary had overlooked the matter.

VIII Arrangements for Annual Dinner
The Secretary then drew attention to the arrangements for the annual dinner which as stated on the billet, was to be held in the Grosvenor Restaurant Gordon St on Thursday 19th October 1905 at 6.30pm.

This was all the business.

Archive: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Reference: GB 250 RCPSG 73/1/11 Minute Book No. 6