26 October, 2005
23 October, 2005
100 years ago: Session 1905-06; Meeting II
Sederunt 47
The Annual Dinner of the Society was held in the Grosvenor Restaurant Gordon Street, Glasgow on Thursday 19th October 1905.
Dinner was served about 7pm.
The President was in the chair and Sir Wm Taylor KCB the honorary president of the Society was present as guest of the society. In all 47 gentlemen were present.
The dinner was excellent and well served.
The usual toasts were proposed & responded to heartily, and many interesting and amusing after dinner speeches were evolved in this connection.
During dinner music was provided by members of the Grosvenor Restaurant band and after dinner a varied programme of songs, recitations, picolo & piano selections was gone through by members & their guests the names of the performers being Drs Gunn, Wright Thomson, Wauchope, Bruce, T.K. Monro, Lang, Richmond & R.T. Halliday & Messers [...] White & MacCallum.
During the course of the evening the names of the following 3 gentlemen were proposed for membership
1. Alexander McWilliam Watson, MB ChB.
Proposed by D. Johnston Fletcher
Seconded by John P. Duncan
2. A. Whyte Cassie 3 Clelland Place Ibrox
Proposed by R.T. Halliday
Seconded by A. Brown Kelly.
3. David Newman 28 Woodside Place
Proposed by John P. Duncan
Seconded by R. Wardrop Forrest
The President proposed that these gentlemen be forthwith elected & this was carried unanimously.
After a most enjoyable evening the dinner party broke up shortly after 11pm.
Ralph Stockman
Archive: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Reference: GB 250 RCPSG 73/1/11 Minute Book No. 6
The Annual Dinner of the Society was held in the Grosvenor Restaurant Gordon Street, Glasgow on Thursday 19th October 1905.
Dinner was served about 7pm.
The President was in the chair and Sir Wm Taylor KCB the honorary president of the Society was present as guest of the society. In all 47 gentlemen were present.
The dinner was excellent and well served.
The usual toasts were proposed & responded to heartily, and many interesting and amusing after dinner speeches were evolved in this connection.
During dinner music was provided by members of the Grosvenor Restaurant band and after dinner a varied programme of songs, recitations, picolo & piano selections was gone through by members & their guests the names of the performers being Drs Gunn, Wright Thomson, Wauchope, Bruce, T.K. Monro, Lang, Richmond & R.T. Halliday & Messers [...] White & MacCallum.
During the course of the evening the names of the following 3 gentlemen were proposed for membership
1. Alexander McWilliam Watson, MB ChB.
Proposed by D. Johnston Fletcher
Seconded by John P. Duncan
2. A. Whyte Cassie 3 Clelland Place Ibrox
Proposed by R.T. Halliday
Seconded by A. Brown Kelly.
3. David Newman 28 Woodside Place
Proposed by John P. Duncan
Seconded by R. Wardrop Forrest
The President proposed that these gentlemen be forthwith elected & this was carried unanimously.
After a most enjoyable evening the dinner party broke up shortly after 11pm.
Ralph Stockman
Archive: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Reference: GB 250 RCPSG 73/1/11 Minute Book No. 6
19 October, 2005
Session 161 2005-6: Presidential Address - What's so special about the first year of life?
Presidential address given to The Society on Thursday 13th October 2005 by Dr Philip Wilson.
What's so special about the first year of life?
How do the experiences of babies shape their destiny?
The meeting was chaired by Dr David Vernon, President for the 160th session. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Dr Vernon informed members of the death of Dr Gerry Creane but also of the recovery from prolonged serious illness of Dr Stephan Slater who remains a strong supporter of the Society. Dr Jonathan Oates was introducing an innovation of recording the meeting to be available via the Society’s new web sitewww.gsms.org.uk.
Dr Vernon then introduced our President for the session, Dr Philip Wilson, a man like himself with Manx connections, whose work is split between a local surgery and the University department of General Practice.
Phil gave a fascinating insight into evidence for first year influences in later social development. Brain development continues after birth – to a much greater extent in humans than other species and this development is influenced by external factors. Thus physiological evidence indicates the influence of visual input on visual cortical connections during the first year of life. This plasticity of the brain seems to last longer in some other brain areas such as the pre-frontal cortex with potential influence on behaviour patterns. Different patterns of response in babies to strange situations are seen in what might be regarded as different levels of security of parental care. Is it possible that such early influences determine behaviour patterns followed in later life?
Dr Wilson’s talk concentrated on disruptive behaviour in young adults a range of identified conduct disorders. An unattractive series of studies in monkeys demonstrates continued behaviour effects of a period of social deprivation in early months. Observations in Romanian orphans who suffered effectively similar isolation support these conclusions with identification of a reactive attachment disorder where individuals can be abnormally inhibited or disinhibited in forming relationships. Harsh and inconsistent parenting has similarly been related to future conduct disorders. Intriguingly the strength of these levels becomes much clearer when a potential genetic effect is taken into account a New Zealand study shows evidence of genetic linkage and protection from raised levels of MAO. Increasingly there is evidence in study of various behaviour disorders of substantial genetic factors modified by early life experiences. These disorders cost society a group of London 10 year olds with conduct disorders cost 10 times their peers in care and support by age 28.
Can we intervene? We were treated to a video demonstration of one area where parenting can be insensitive or unresponsive post-natal depression. Intervention with a 'mellow parenting' package dramatically altered the obvious shared communication between mother and child. A New York randomized study of regular health visitor type intervention up to the age of 2 years substantially reduced various behaviour problems at age 15. Such clearcut evidence will be difficult to obtain. However, there is now sufficient evidence of the long term improvement of these first year experiences to justify an emphasis on good support for parenting when potential problems are apparent.
After considerable discussion of Dr Wilson’s paper, Dr Douglas Mack gave a vote of thanks, reminding the audience of the challenging breath of fresh thinking felt by many when Phil first arrived on the scene as a local GP. Dr Vernon reminded members of the forthcoming dinner and closed the meeting.
35 members had been in attendance.
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tags: primary care child development deprivation psychology epidemiology
What's so special about the first year of life?
How do the experiences of babies shape their destiny?
The meeting was chaired by Dr David Vernon, President for the 160th session. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Dr Vernon informed members of the death of Dr Gerry Creane but also of the recovery from prolonged serious illness of Dr Stephan Slater who remains a strong supporter of the Society. Dr Jonathan Oates was introducing an innovation of recording the meeting to be available via the Society’s new web sitewww.gsms.org.uk.
Dr Vernon then introduced our President for the session, Dr Philip Wilson, a man like himself with Manx connections, whose work is split between a local surgery and the University department of General Practice.
Phil gave a fascinating insight into evidence for first year influences in later social development. Brain development continues after birth – to a much greater extent in humans than other species and this development is influenced by external factors. Thus physiological evidence indicates the influence of visual input on visual cortical connections during the first year of life. This plasticity of the brain seems to last longer in some other brain areas such as the pre-frontal cortex with potential influence on behaviour patterns. Different patterns of response in babies to strange situations are seen in what might be regarded as different levels of security of parental care. Is it possible that such early influences determine behaviour patterns followed in later life?
Dr Wilson’s talk concentrated on disruptive behaviour in young adults a range of identified conduct disorders. An unattractive series of studies in monkeys demonstrates continued behaviour effects of a period of social deprivation in early months. Observations in Romanian orphans who suffered effectively similar isolation support these conclusions with identification of a reactive attachment disorder where individuals can be abnormally inhibited or disinhibited in forming relationships. Harsh and inconsistent parenting has similarly been related to future conduct disorders. Intriguingly the strength of these levels becomes much clearer when a potential genetic effect is taken into account a New Zealand study shows evidence of genetic linkage and protection from raised levels of MAO. Increasingly there is evidence in study of various behaviour disorders of substantial genetic factors modified by early life experiences. These disorders cost society a group of London 10 year olds with conduct disorders cost 10 times their peers in care and support by age 28.
Can we intervene? We were treated to a video demonstration of one area where parenting can be insensitive or unresponsive post-natal depression. Intervention with a 'mellow parenting' package dramatically altered the obvious shared communication between mother and child. A New York randomized study of regular health visitor type intervention up to the age of 2 years substantially reduced various behaviour problems at age 15. Such clearcut evidence will be difficult to obtain. However, there is now sufficient evidence of the long term improvement of these first year experiences to justify an emphasis on good support for parenting when potential problems are apparent.
After considerable discussion of Dr Wilson’s paper, Dr Douglas Mack gave a vote of thanks, reminding the audience of the challenging breath of fresh thinking felt by many when Phil first arrived on the scene as a local GP. Dr Vernon reminded members of the forthcoming dinner and closed the meeting.
35 members had been in attendance.
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tags: primary care child development deprivation psychology epidemiology
05 October, 2005
100 years ago: Session 1905-06; Presidential Address
Dr Stockman began his address with a few remarks on the probable primitive views of man on the Creation, and then went on to state the theory of evolution of Lamarck viz:– that evolution was due to the influences of external agencies.
After discussing this theory and stating some objections to it he dwelt for a time on Darwin's views on the origin of species and on natural selection and contrasted these with the views of Lamarck. Then after discussing the phenomena of fertilization he defined and explained the continuity of the Germ Plasm and proceeded to discuss variation as exhibited by individuals in a species. He explained the two views as to variation viz:– that it might be inborn or contained & transmitted by the continuity of the Germ Plasm or that in the second place it might be acquired or impressed on the Germ Plasm. In this connection Dr. Stockman described Darwin's theory of Pan Genesis and alluded to his belief in the heredity of acquired variations. Weismann's theory, that tho' variation & natural selection were the main forces concerned in the survival of the fittest, yet no acquired variation could be transmitted from parent to offspring, was mentioned and then Dr Stockman proceeded to sum up these theories as follows.
1st. If Darwin & Lamarck are right, then the offspring must inherit the acquired variations of the parent e.g. disease
2nd. If on the other hand all variations are inborn then disease cannot be hereditary.
The distinction between the terms Congenital and Hereditary was strongly insisted on and views as to the heredity of immunity were then discussed.
Proceeding to the more practical aspects of his subject Dr Stockman pointed out that most diseases were the direct or indirect sequelae of infections and that selection was going on continuously in relation to disease i.e. those with the greatest resistance to disease survive. He mentioned that there were 3 main ways in which resistance to disease was strengthened viz:– by
1. Destruction of Germs
2. Avoidance of Germs
These two are due to Climatic, Geographical, Sanitary or Quarantine conditions.
3. Undergoing evolution against them.
Of these three the third seems to him to be the strongest and it has been going on unceasingly throughout the ages.
Then three possible fates under infection were mentioned viz:–
1. Entire escape
2. Recovery – almost unhurt – or more or less damaged
3. Death
After this certain diseases were discussed in detail as to their behaviour in regard to immunity; Scarlet fever was taken as a type of a disease producing immunity in the individual attacked and Tuberculosis as a type of one which conferred no immunity. At the same time Dr Stockman insisted that in his opinion immunity was inborn i.e. that the Germ Plasm is resistant to disease in certain people and they survive and beget offspring with a like resistance while the weaker variations die off; and further that as almost all our pathological conditions are consequences of infection, therefore they are not transmissible and that it is only the tendency of the Germplasm to resist or succumb to infection that is transmitted.
With regard to Tuberculosis, Dr Stockman stated that our attitude should be 1st to stamp out the bacilli as far as possible & 2nd to prevent people from marrying if in both male & female the Germplasm seems weak in its resistance to the disease.
Then the gradual immunization produced in a species by the dying out (without reproduction) of the weaker individuals was pointed out and Malarial, Syphilitic and the Tse-Tse fly infections were cited.
Finally Dr Stockman referred shortly to the recent Commission on Physical Degeneration which answered NO to the question "Do Alcoholism & disease in individuals give rise to degenerate offspring"; and then after some remarks to the effect that anatomical malformations are inborn and therefore truly hereditary he brought his most interesting address to a close.
Ralph Stockman
Archive: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Reference: GB 250 RCPSG 73/1/11 Minute Book No. 6
Further reading
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Charles Darwin
August Weismann
After discussing this theory and stating some objections to it he dwelt for a time on Darwin's views on the origin of species and on natural selection and contrasted these with the views of Lamarck. Then after discussing the phenomena of fertilization he defined and explained the continuity of the Germ Plasm and proceeded to discuss variation as exhibited by individuals in a species. He explained the two views as to variation viz:– that it might be inborn or contained & transmitted by the continuity of the Germ Plasm or that in the second place it might be acquired or impressed on the Germ Plasm. In this connection Dr. Stockman described Darwin's theory of Pan Genesis and alluded to his belief in the heredity of acquired variations. Weismann's theory, that tho' variation & natural selection were the main forces concerned in the survival of the fittest, yet no acquired variation could be transmitted from parent to offspring, was mentioned and then Dr Stockman proceeded to sum up these theories as follows.
1st. If Darwin & Lamarck are right, then the offspring must inherit the acquired variations of the parent e.g. disease
2nd. If on the other hand all variations are inborn then disease cannot be hereditary.
The distinction between the terms Congenital and Hereditary was strongly insisted on and views as to the heredity of immunity were then discussed.
Proceeding to the more practical aspects of his subject Dr Stockman pointed out that most diseases were the direct or indirect sequelae of infections and that selection was going on continuously in relation to disease i.e. those with the greatest resistance to disease survive. He mentioned that there were 3 main ways in which resistance to disease was strengthened viz:– by
1. Destruction of Germs
2. Avoidance of Germs
These two are due to Climatic, Geographical, Sanitary or Quarantine conditions.
3. Undergoing evolution against them.
Of these three the third seems to him to be the strongest and it has been going on unceasingly throughout the ages.
Then three possible fates under infection were mentioned viz:–
1. Entire escape
2. Recovery – almost unhurt – or more or less damaged
3. Death
After this certain diseases were discussed in detail as to their behaviour in regard to immunity; Scarlet fever was taken as a type of a disease producing immunity in the individual attacked and Tuberculosis as a type of one which conferred no immunity. At the same time Dr Stockman insisted that in his opinion immunity was inborn i.e. that the Germ Plasm is resistant to disease in certain people and they survive and beget offspring with a like resistance while the weaker variations die off; and further that as almost all our pathological conditions are consequences of infection, therefore they are not transmissible and that it is only the tendency of the Germplasm to resist or succumb to infection that is transmitted.
With regard to Tuberculosis, Dr Stockman stated that our attitude should be 1st to stamp out the bacilli as far as possible & 2nd to prevent people from marrying if in both male & female the Germplasm seems weak in its resistance to the disease.
Then the gradual immunization produced in a species by the dying out (without reproduction) of the weaker individuals was pointed out and Malarial, Syphilitic and the Tse-Tse fly infections were cited.
Finally Dr Stockman referred shortly to the recent Commission on Physical Degeneration which answered NO to the question "Do Alcoholism & disease in individuals give rise to degenerate offspring"; and then after some remarks to the effect that anatomical malformations are inborn and therefore truly hereditary he brought his most interesting address to a close.
Ralph Stockman
Archive: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Reference: GB 250 RCPSG 73/1/11 Minute Book No. 6
Further reading
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Charles Darwin
August Weismann
100 years ago: Session 1905-06; Meeting I
Sederunt 46
The Society met in the rooms of the Medical Club, 22 Carlton Place on the evening of Thursday 5th October at 9pm. The president, Professor Stockman was in the Chair, and 46 gentlemen were present.
I Minutes
The minutes of last meeting were read & approved.
II Resignations
The secretary read letters of resignation of membership from
1. Dr D. Young, Linton Villa Parkhead Glasgow dated Oct 2nd 1905
2. Dr G. Scott McGregor, 2 Burnbank Terrace Glasgow — Oct 3rd 1905
3. Dr Wm Carr, 46 Norfolk Street Glasgow — Oct 3rd 1905
These were accepted
III Dr J. Wallace Anderson's letter
A letter was read from Dr J. Wallace Anderson 23 Woodside Place dated 30th May 1905 in which he withdrew his resignation of membership
IV President's Address
Professor Stockman then proceeded to deliver his presidential address on the subject of "Heredity in Disease"
A precis of this address follows this minute.
V Vote of thanks
At the close of the address Dr Napier moved a vote of thanks to Dr Stockman for his most interesting address. This was heartily given and then Dr Stockman replied in a few words.
VI Election of Governor of Victoria Infirmary
The President then called for nominations for the post of Governor of the Victoria Infirmary, but Dr McGilvray suggested that in the first place Dr C. E. Robertson should give a few remarks on the work of the Governors during the past year. This met with the approval of the meeting & Dr Robertson in a few remarks spoke of the various points of interest which had been dealt with by the board of Governors during the past year.
Dr Stockman then moved a vote of thanks to Dr Robertson for his services and this was heartily responded to.
Dr Richmond then wished to discuss the tenure of office of the representative, but Dr Stockman stated that this was a matter which was to be considered by the Council in the near future and the matter then dropped.
On nominations being again called for the following two names were proposed.
1. Dr Forrest (Senior) Proposed by Dr D. McGilvray & seconded by Dr Alexr Napier.
2. Dr C. E. Robertson proposed by Dr Campbell Highet & seconded by Dr Fletcher.
On a vote being taken 23 votes were given to Dr Robertson & 21 to Dr Forrest. Dr Robertson was then declared duly elected.
VII Election of member
The standing orders were suspended and Dr Wm Adam Burns 147 Greenhead Street, Bridgeton was elected a member.
Dr Burn's name should have appeared on the billet but the secretary had overlooked the matter.
VIII Arrangements for Annual Dinner
The Secretary then drew attention to the arrangements for the annual dinner which as stated on the billet, was to be held in the Grosvenor Restaurant Gordon St on Thursday 19th October 1905 at 6.30pm.
This was all the business.
Archive: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Reference: GB 250 RCPSG 73/1/11 Minute Book No. 6
The Society met in the rooms of the Medical Club, 22 Carlton Place on the evening of Thursday 5th October at 9pm. The president, Professor Stockman was in the Chair, and 46 gentlemen were present.
I Minutes
The minutes of last meeting were read & approved.
II Resignations
The secretary read letters of resignation of membership from
1. Dr D. Young, Linton Villa Parkhead Glasgow dated Oct 2nd 1905
2. Dr G. Scott McGregor, 2 Burnbank Terrace Glasgow — Oct 3rd 1905
3. Dr Wm Carr, 46 Norfolk Street Glasgow — Oct 3rd 1905
These were accepted
III Dr J. Wallace Anderson's letter
A letter was read from Dr J. Wallace Anderson 23 Woodside Place dated 30th May 1905 in which he withdrew his resignation of membership
IV President's Address
Professor Stockman then proceeded to deliver his presidential address on the subject of "Heredity in Disease"
A precis of this address follows this minute.
V Vote of thanks
At the close of the address Dr Napier moved a vote of thanks to Dr Stockman for his most interesting address. This was heartily given and then Dr Stockman replied in a few words.
VI Election of Governor of Victoria Infirmary
The President then called for nominations for the post of Governor of the Victoria Infirmary, but Dr McGilvray suggested that in the first place Dr C. E. Robertson should give a few remarks on the work of the Governors during the past year. This met with the approval of the meeting & Dr Robertson in a few remarks spoke of the various points of interest which had been dealt with by the board of Governors during the past year.
Dr Stockman then moved a vote of thanks to Dr Robertson for his services and this was heartily responded to.
Dr Richmond then wished to discuss the tenure of office of the representative, but Dr Stockman stated that this was a matter which was to be considered by the Council in the near future and the matter then dropped.
On nominations being again called for the following two names were proposed.
1. Dr Forrest (Senior) Proposed by Dr D. McGilvray & seconded by Dr Alexr Napier.
2. Dr C. E. Robertson proposed by Dr Campbell Highet & seconded by Dr Fletcher.
On a vote being taken 23 votes were given to Dr Robertson & 21 to Dr Forrest. Dr Robertson was then declared duly elected.
VII Election of member
The standing orders were suspended and Dr Wm Adam Burns 147 Greenhead Street, Bridgeton was elected a member.
Dr Burn's name should have appeared on the billet but the secretary had overlooked the matter.
VIII Arrangements for Annual Dinner
The Secretary then drew attention to the arrangements for the annual dinner which as stated on the billet, was to be held in the Grosvenor Restaurant Gordon St on Thursday 19th October 1905 at 6.30pm.
This was all the business.
Archive: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Reference: GB 250 RCPSG 73/1/11 Minute Book No. 6
01 October, 2005
Laws of the Glasgow Southern Medical Society
Adopted at Annual General Meeting of 22nd April 1999
Name and Objects of the Society
The Objects of the Society shall be:
(A) To encourage a high standard of medical practice in the south of Glasgow by providing a forum for medical education and debate.
(B) To foster good relations between the different branches of the medical profession in the south of Glasgow.
Constitution of the Society
The Society shall consist of ordinary members, and an Honorary President.
The management of the Society shall be vested in the Membership of the Society.
All decisions pertaining to the running of the Society shall be decided by a majority of votes. The Chairman shall have a deliberative and a casting vote on all questions.
Twelve members shall constitute a quorum.
Council shall consist of the Office Bearers, the Court Medical and up to six elected Ordinary Members. All shall normally be elected at the appropriate Annual General Meeting.
a) Office Bearers
The President shall hold office for one year and shall normally in alternate years be a hospital consultant or a general practitioner.
The Senior and Junior Vice Presidents shall normally succeed in turn to the office of President for one year.
The Honorary Secretary shall hold office for three years.
The Editorial Secretary shall also be the Honorary Secretary-Elect and shall hold office for three years.
The Seal Keeper is the immediate past Honorary Secretary.
The Treasurer shall not have a fixed term of office.
b) Court Medical
This shall consist of the five most recent Past Presidents of the Society. The immediate Past President shall be President of the Court Medical.
c) Elected Members
These shall be members of Council for three years.
Council will arrange the general business of the Society. Six shall form a quorum.
Two auditors shall be appointed annually at the Annual General Meeting. These shall not have a fixed term of office. They may be invited to meetings of Council.
Court Medical
The duties of the different officer bearers shall correspond to the common use and wont.
Ordinary Members
Any registered medical practitioner residing in or near Glasgow may apply for membership of the Society.
The applicant will formally be admitted at the first appropriate ordinary meeting of the Society.
On admission, the Honorary Secretary shall send itimation of admission together with a copy of the Laws of the Society.
The new Member, on paying the subscription for the current session, shall be admitted to all the privileges of membership of the Society.
The Honorary President
The President will nominate an Honorary President to serve concurrently with his own year of office.
The Honorary President shall have no voting rights and shall not be required to make any payment to the funds of the Society.
The annual subscription shall be agreed each year at the Annual General Meeting.
If any Member neglects to pay his annual subscription for three years he/she shall be suspended from membership until his/her arrears are paid. The Member shall be so informed by the Honorary Secretary.
The Society shall normally meet twice a month from October to March, when practicable, and on such other occasions as the Society decides. Council may call an Extraordinary Meeting at any time. When requested in writing by six Ordinary Members, the President shall call an Extraordinary Meeting.
The ordinary meetings shall be devoted to the objects of the Society as defined in Law II and any other competent business.
A member wishing to resign shall send written intimation of this intention to the Honorary Secretary.
Should any disagreement or misunderstanding arise between Members of the Society, they shall be expected to settle matters in a friendly way, failing which the matter in dispute may be referred to the Court Medical.
Alteration to Laws
Any proposal to alter or abolish a Law, or to establish a new Law, must be placed before the Society at one of its meetings, to be voted on four weeks later. Due intimation of such a proposal must be printed in the billet calling the Meeting at which the matter has to be decided.
Should any issue arise which is not provided for in the preceding laws, the matter shall be referred by Council to the Members of the Society at one of its Meetings. Due intimation thereof must be given in the billet calling the Meeting. The decision of the Meeting shall be considered final.
Adopted 13th February 1851
Amended 1869, 1880, 1891 and 1900
With Amendments to 1925
Revised June 1926
Reprinted June 1930
Revised October 1950
Revised June 1972
Revised June 1976
Revised October 1980
Amended 1986
Revised September 1990
Revised August 2002
Name and Objects of the Society
The Objects of the Society shall be:
(A) To encourage a high standard of medical practice in the south of Glasgow by providing a forum for medical education and debate.
(B) To foster good relations between the different branches of the medical profession in the south of Glasgow.
Constitution of the Society
The Society shall consist of ordinary members, and an Honorary President.
The management of the Society shall be vested in the Membership of the Society.
All decisions pertaining to the running of the Society shall be decided by a majority of votes. The Chairman shall have a deliberative and a casting vote on all questions.
Twelve members shall constitute a quorum.
Council shall consist of the Office Bearers, the Court Medical and up to six elected Ordinary Members. All shall normally be elected at the appropriate Annual General Meeting.
a) Office Bearers
The President shall hold office for one year and shall normally in alternate years be a hospital consultant or a general practitioner.
The Senior and Junior Vice Presidents shall normally succeed in turn to the office of President for one year.
The Honorary Secretary shall hold office for three years.
The Editorial Secretary shall also be the Honorary Secretary-Elect and shall hold office for three years.
The Seal Keeper is the immediate past Honorary Secretary.
The Treasurer shall not have a fixed term of office.
b) Court Medical
This shall consist of the five most recent Past Presidents of the Society. The immediate Past President shall be President of the Court Medical.
c) Elected Members
These shall be members of Council for three years.
Council will arrange the general business of the Society. Six shall form a quorum.
Two auditors shall be appointed annually at the Annual General Meeting. These shall not have a fixed term of office. They may be invited to meetings of Council.
Court Medical
The duties of the different officer bearers shall correspond to the common use and wont.
Ordinary Members
Any registered medical practitioner residing in or near Glasgow may apply for membership of the Society.
The applicant will formally be admitted at the first appropriate ordinary meeting of the Society.
On admission, the Honorary Secretary shall send itimation of admission together with a copy of the Laws of the Society.
The new Member, on paying the subscription for the current session, shall be admitted to all the privileges of membership of the Society.
The Honorary President
The President will nominate an Honorary President to serve concurrently with his own year of office.
The Honorary President shall have no voting rights and shall not be required to make any payment to the funds of the Society.
The annual subscription shall be agreed each year at the Annual General Meeting.
If any Member neglects to pay his annual subscription for three years he/she shall be suspended from membership until his/her arrears are paid. The Member shall be so informed by the Honorary Secretary.
The Society shall normally meet twice a month from October to March, when practicable, and on such other occasions as the Society decides. Council may call an Extraordinary Meeting at any time. When requested in writing by six Ordinary Members, the President shall call an Extraordinary Meeting.
The ordinary meetings shall be devoted to the objects of the Society as defined in Law II and any other competent business.
A member wishing to resign shall send written intimation of this intention to the Honorary Secretary.
Should any disagreement or misunderstanding arise between Members of the Society, they shall be expected to settle matters in a friendly way, failing which the matter in dispute may be referred to the Court Medical.
Alteration to Laws
Any proposal to alter or abolish a Law, or to establish a new Law, must be placed before the Society at one of its meetings, to be voted on four weeks later. Due intimation of such a proposal must be printed in the billet calling the Meeting at which the matter has to be decided.
Should any issue arise which is not provided for in the preceding laws, the matter shall be referred by Council to the Members of the Society at one of its Meetings. Due intimation thereof must be given in the billet calling the Meeting. The decision of the Meeting shall be considered final.
Adopted 13th February 1851
Amended 1869, 1880, 1891 and 1900
With Amendments to 1925
Revised June 1926
Reprinted June 1930
Revised October 1950
Revised June 1972
Revised June 1976
Revised October 1980
Amended 1986
Revised September 1990
Revised August 2002
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