25 September, 2014

the glasgow

Syllabus 2014/2015
Session 170

All meetings are held in the Ebenezer
Duncan Centre, Victoria Infirmary,
Glasgow, Buffet Supper from 6.15pm
with talks starting at 7pm, unless
otherwise stated.

October 2014
Thurs. 9th
Presidential Address
Mr Eric Gardner

November 2014
Thurs. 20th
Professor Dominic Mellor

Annual Dinner TBC

January 2015
Thurs. 15th
Joint meeting with the Royal Medico-Chirurgical Society
of Glasgow
Venue: Ebenezer Duncan Centre. 7pm for 7.30pm.

February 2015
Thurs. 19th
Professor Frances Mair

March 2015
Thurs. 19th
Honorary Presidential Address

April 2015
Thurs. 23rd
Annual General Meeting
Conference Room Floor E, Victoria Infirmary at 7.00pm

The Royal Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow
Members of the Glasgow Southern Medical Society are
welcome to attend meetings of our sister society.
The meetings are held in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons at 242 St Vincent St,
Glasgow, 7.00pm for 7.30pm.

GSMS Council 2014/2015
Honorary President___________
President___________________Mr Eric Gardner
Past President_______________Dr Andrea Williamson
Honorary Treasurer__________Dr Gordon Weetch
Secretary___________________Dr Myra McAdam
Editorial Secretary____________Dr Stephen Noble

Website: www.gsms.org.uk