29 October, 2014

Next meeting coming up... Thursday 20th November

the Glasgow southern medical society

Invites you to attend and evening of interesting talk

Professor Dominic Mellor
Professor of Epidemiology and Veterinary Public Health


An insight into the latest evidence and discoveries about the human : animal interaction

Thursday 20th November 2014
                          6.15pm for free buffet        7.00pm for free education and entertainment

Ebenezer Duncan Centre, Victoria Infirmary, Langside Road, G42 9TT

Doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, dentist, vets and students all welcome…
Invite your friends!!!

Future meeting : January 2015 - Thurs. 15th  Joint meeting with the Royal Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow

Visit the website for all the up to date information www.gsms.org.uk

  Scottish Charity No: SC000971
